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2023-2024 ACT Nomination Places Allocation: Canberra Matrix Calculator

The Department of Home Affairs has announced the ACT’s allocation for 2023-24. Reporting on ACT nomination approvals will resume as part of the next invitation round.

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 600

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 600

Application Count @ 14 July 2023

Total approvals: TBC

  • 190 Nominations: TBC
  • 491 Nominations: TBC

Total refusals: TBC

  • 190 Nominations: TBC (0 per cent)
  • 491 Nominations: TBC (0 per cent)

Remaining Allocation 2023-2024

Total allocation remaining: TBC nomination places (TBC per month)

  • 190 Nominations: TBC (pro rata TBC per month)
  • 491 Nominations: TBC (pro rata TBC per month)