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Canberra Matrix Invitation Round: 6 September 2022

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The ACT received an interim allocation for the 2022-2023 program year.

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 800 places

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 1920 places

Application Count @ 6 September 2022

Total approvals: 386 approvals

  • 190 Nominations: 135 approvals
  • 491 Nominations: 251 approvals

Total refusals: 76 applications

  • 190 Nominations: 25 refusals (16%)
  • 491 Nominations: 51 refusals (17%)

Remaining Allocation 2022-2023

Total allocation remaining: 2334 nomination places (227 per month)

  • 190 Nominations: 665 (pro rata 68 per month)
  • 491 Nominations: 1669 (pro rata 170 per month)